Red Star Simulations talks DCS: MiG-17 with Enigma

Enigma, of Enigma’s Cold War fame, recently interviewed Red Star Simulations on his YouTube channel gathering insight into the creation of the in-development DCS: MiG-17. We get some interesting details behind the project and a couple of behind the scenes videos that give us some great info on how the MiG-17 will fly in DCS.

Interview and video

Red Star Simulations owner ‘GVad’ sat down with Enigma for an interesting video interview that includes several short clips showing off the MiG-17 in action together with some of its quirks. If you’re planning to spend some time flying the MiG-17 when it releases, you may want to watch those video clips specifically to see how best to manage the aircraft’s throttle and some of its quirky behaviours in flight.

Enigma and GVad talked about the genesis of the project and its gradual move from a mod to an official module with Eagle Dynamics signing the team on as a third party.

Although the MiG-17 is closely related to the MiG-15, its added (and optional) weaponry and performance certainly make it an interesting proposition and another worthy challenger on some of the Cold War servers (including Enigma’s).

A few years ago I had the pleasure to see Randy Ball perform with his MiG-17 at an airshow and the combination of impressive maneuverability and the absolutely raw afterburner that shoots flame out the back made it a crowd pleaser and me quite the fan! Check out this video below to see him perform and watch for that afterburner!

5 Comments Add yours

  1. marcocom says:

    Engima (Enigma) is misspelt throughout article and title, mate 🙂


    1. ShamrockOneFive says:

      That’s a weird one. I can’t account for it. Thanks for spotting!


    2. Blue 5 says:

      Wow, it is fugly on stilts. A true double-bagger.

      Great for Sinai and other places with an F-100 and similar…

      Shamrock, it’s your autocorrect. Same with ‘Rafael’.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. ShamrockOneFive says:

        When I’m writing on my phone, it’s very likely. I’m also wondering if I added a couple of these to my spellchecker thus not highlighting my mistake.

        I’m also having a weird issue with my keyboard where one key will be delayed from another. No excuse for me not seeing the mistake but it does frustrate the process!

        The MiG-17 isn’t a beautiful airplane but it is a very interesting airplane. F-100 and even F-4 will have some fun meeting this one.


  2. Blue 5 says:

    My copy of Word seems that sometimes it cannot be bothered.. It’s highly embarrassing…

    So much interesting stuff on the way, completing holes. We are almost – if you get the A-4 – at a Yom Kippur stage. But…Mirage III.

    Liked by 1 person

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