Just Flight release first Black Square Duke video

The folks at Just Flight and Black Square are gearing up for release of their piston and turbine Dukes for Microsoft Flight Simulator and this first video gives us our first look at the product in video as they move towards release.

The Dukes in motion

Microsoft Flight Simulator is about to get a very detailed rendition of the Beechcraft Duke thanks to developer Black Square. This overview video is a cinematic presentation of the aircraft’s features with visual, audio, and feature presentations that include Black Square’s systems visualizer that shows off how individual components are working.

It’s extraordinarily impressive all around. Check it out and stay tuned for more as the aircraft works its way towards release in April.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Urgent Siesta says:

    excited for this one!


  2. Jer Stryker says:

    Looks very impressive. I saw one of those once at the airport I used to instruct out of. The mechanic I was with said the Duke was a maintenance nightmare. It’s certainly an airplane you don’t see many examples of.

    I’ve had my eye on the Black Square King Air. It’s a plane I have some time in compared to the Duke which has never been on my radar. However the turbine Duke is close to the same speed, so perhaps I’ll have to choose between the two.

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