FSExpo reveals full exhibitor list, floorplan for upcoming expo!

We’re just weeks away from FlightSimExpo 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada and we’ve got a new reveal with a complete exhibitor list and the floorplan for the expo giving us a great look at who is going to be there and where you’ll be able to find them if you’re attending in person.

Get a look at who will be where

Check out the FSExpo floorplan

More than 90 partners are supporting Flight Sim Expo 2024. Confirmed sponsors and exhibitors include iniBuilds, PMDG, A2A Simulations, AviaPlanner, Dogfight Dynamics, FeelThere, FlightControlReplay, FlyingArt, HORI (U.S.A.) INC., Moza Racing, OnAir Company, Parallel 42, Propwash Simulation, RYAN AEROSPACE, TrackIR, and Yaw VR. Many of these are names that you’ve undoubtedly heard.

In addition to all of these exhibitors, there are also going to be 15 #FSExpoFriday announcements. From today’s press release we have this statement from one of the organizers.

“This year’s show will see new exhibitors, more than 15 #FSExpoFriday announcements, and record attendance,” says co-founder Phil Coyle. “We’re happy to see the community supporting events like FlightSimExpo and FSWeekend. It’s so important that simmers come together, in person or virtually, to keep our shared passion for virtual aviation growing.”

It’ll be interesting to see what gets revealed during the Friday announcements and then over the weekend!

Of course the highlight for combat flight sim fans is the booth setup from the Combat Pilot team with an early demo of the nascent combat flight sim produced by industry veteran Jason Williams.

It’s not too late to register for FSExpo using the registration link below. You can also sign-up for a small fee of $15 USD to watch the weekend online so you have options for attending from afar even if you can’t make it to Las Vegas.

9 Comments Add yours

  1. Bumfluff says:

    so are all exhibitors linked to Microsoft flight?

    it’s disappointing DCS and others don’t show. That’s what would happen at the peak industry forum for a healthy industry.


    1. ShamrockOneFive says:

      Definitely not all. MSFS is the thousand pound gorilla in flight simming yes but groups like VATSIM are platform agnostic and so too are the hardware manufacturers of which there are several. There’s Combat Pilot which I mentioned in the article too which is the only official representation from a combat sim.

      In 2019 Matt Wagner was there and DCS was shown at the Thrustmaster booth but there was no official representation. I’ve very casually suggested a few times that they should make an effort to find a presence there and I know I’m not the only one but nothing yet.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. scampypants says:

    I would love to go to this event, family and travelling across the Atlantic fix always stop me. I would love to see a similar expo in Europe, I think they are missing out by not having it.


    1. ShamrockOneFive says:

      I know there are a couple of smaller expos in Europe that were, at one time, larger than the North American one. This one is largely driven by North American organizers but I’m sure it’d be great if something of this scale came (back?) to Europe!

      You can attend virtually if you want to see the live stream from some of the events. That’s pretty good too!


      1. Aapje says:

        FSWeekend seems like a good European option: https://fsweekend.nl/

        Liked by 2 people

      2. scampypants says:

        Awesome and it’s just across the North Sea from me.
        thanks for that !

        Liked by 1 person

      3. ShamrockOneFive says:

        Great suggestion!


      4. scampypants says:

        it’s all my three hobbies in one, I could sample the delights of Amsterdam and then go and enjoy time with flight sim !! Deffo going next year


      5. Aapje says:

        It’s also in the Aviodrome Museum, so it’s not just flight sim exhibitions, but also real planes being exhibited as well.

        Liked by 1 person

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