Performance, stability, features of the DCS: F-4E update

Coming very soon is a new update for Heatblur’s DCS: F-4E Phantom. The module has launched to quite a bit of critical acclaim and widespread interest among DCS fans but like any module has its share of issues to take care of. This first post launch update looks set to address some key items so let’s have a look.

Update incoming

Heatblur have written up an update on the DCS: F-4E and published it to their website. Key highlights of the update include efforts to address performance issues with the radar system which were causing performance problems on busy multiplayer servers or in scenarios with large numbers of objects. They’ve also adjusted the threading settings for the radar to hopefully make better use of other CPU cores and avoid oversaturating the main core with the calculations.

There are also tweaks across the board to other features including updates to Jester’s core logic, fixing missed callouts, preventing Jester from calling out aircraft on the ground as targets in dogfight, and sometimes not playing or double upping on some radio calls.

There’s tweaks and additions to the array of instant action missions, updated liveries, and fixes to various systems. It’s all quite impressive for so soon after release which just goes to show that Heatblur are still very much on the ground running with this module.

Read the full change log over here!

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Brate Poto says:

    I’m not sure if it’s only my problem, but links in the PDF manual for Phantom don’t work. Maybe because the pdf file was converted directly from the online manual.


  2. Urgent Siesta says:

    HUUUUUGE change log – bravo, HB!

    Liked by 1 person

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