News round-up: B707, B-17, Fw190A-8, Big Radials reveal, The Gamblers, and more!

Rounding up some news tonight with news about a Boeing 707 for Microsoft Flight Simulator, a new B-17 reveal, a Fw190A-8 in development view, more about The Gamblers, and Big Radials breaks silence and reveals their next airplane and it wasn’t what I was expecting. Let’s have a look!

707 for Microsoft Flight Simulator

One of the more exciting reveals from the recent Q&A with the Microsoft Flight Simulator development team is the new Famous Flyer 10 which will be the Boeing 707! I’ve fallen in love with classic airliners and I’ve longed for a Boeing 707 so this is definitely of interest to me.

The aircraft is being developed by Aeroplane Heaven which have a bit of a chequered reputation with some hits and some misses. It remains to be seen how well this project will come together but they have reportedly been working on it for a lengthy period of time so hopefully that effort and a partnership with Microsoft will offer up something enjoyable.

It is going to be released as part of the Famous Flyer line so I expect it will be relatively inexpensive making it widely accessible but maybe also lowering expectations slightly for simulation depth. Still, this is something that I’m very interested in checking out.

Watch the full stream below.

Big Radials reveals JetStar

Just a single teaser image gives us our first look at the new aircraft.

The folks at Big Radials have done some really cool Microsoft Flight Simulator projects in the past. Not least the Norseman bushplane which was done with such care and with a sense of fun. The team have been quiet for a long time but have a new project in the works… a business jet! But its not just any business jet. This is a Lockheed’s JetStar which is the grandfather of the modern business jet. This seems on brand for them and I look forward to future reveals!

FlyingIron A-8, B-17 and sale

The folks at FlyingIron Simulations have just revealed some new screenshots from their next warbird project. This latest is a Focke Wulf Fw190A-8 and this aircraft they report is not too far off. It goes well with their collection of other warbirds including a Bf109G-6, P-38L and Spitfire IX.

That’s not the only warbird they have in development as they are also building a B-17G and three new images reveal the work that they’ve done so far.

Here’s what they had to say about it:

The legendary B-17G for MSFS is taking shape beautifully, and we’re thrilled with the progress our team has made on the exterior modeling so far. This iconic World War II bomber is coming along very nicely, with incredible attention to detail being paid to every rivet and panel. Over the coming months, we’ll continue providing work-in-progress images and development updates to keep you in the loop. For now, enjoy these stunning renders that showcase the aircraft’s authenticity and give you a glimpse of what’s to come!

If you are thinking of picking up one of their aircraft they are also offering up a sale right now through their website.

Hi all, use discount code 30PERCENTOFF to receive 30% off the MSFS F6F and P-38L on our store. The offer ends on the 20/06 at 0000Z!

The Gamblers podcast discussion

We’ve got some new The Gamblers content with a new episode from the Air Combat Sim Podcast bringing together Baltic Dragon with John ‘Rain’ Waters and the rest of the hosts to talk about the campaign and about John’s experiences flying the missions that the campaign is based on.

Here’s the description:

New episode is out, where Baltic Dragon, Casmo-TV, Tricker and Rain, host of The Afterburn Podcast discuss the new upcoming campaign for the F-16C, based on Rain and his squadron’s experiences in Syria. You’ll find it on your favourite platforms, as well as on YouTube. Enjoy!

Listen in on the video here:

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Urgent Siesta says:

    Great round up!

    Looking forward to the JetStar!

    The 707 will probably make it’s way to my hangar if they stick with the High Value formula they have. I’d definitely pay a higher price if the addon steps up the simulation to match 🙂

    Still waiting for a sale on Flying Iron stuff I don’t have – they’re GREAT addons :). I’m VERY curious to see how the Flying Fortress measures up. It’s rather boring to fly (even the A2A Sims version), so wouldn’t get flown much by me. (I took an IRL flight in one and THAT was anything BUT boring 🙂 ). If the -17 is modeled to their usual standards I’ll buy it just to be able to look at it.


  2. Jer Stryker says:

    Oh man, finally a B-17 for MSFS, and Flying Iron at that!!Also super excited about the 707, even if it’s likely not going to be study level. Any post-40s/pre-EFIS airliner is a treat.

    Liked by 2 people

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