PMDG’s 777 has a release date window

We finally know when PMDG’s 777 is going to release thanks to an update from PMDG Simulations Robert S. Randazzo. We also have news on marketplace release, paintkit, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 compatibility and more. Let’s get straight into it!

PMDG’s 777-300ER is on the way

Straight to it. The date that we’re being given by PMDG is actually a window that puts the release between June 25 and June 30. Somewhere in there, PMDG will release the first of four planned 777 releases – this one is the 777-300ER and it will be followed by the 777F, 777-200ER, and 777-200LR.

The news also touts the work that PMDG have put into making this product a reality with detailed exterior, interior, soundset, and more. PMDG report that the cabin interior now includes ambient lighting and day/night cycle effects from the Boeing Sky Interior concept. If the aircraft lives up to reputation established by their 737 series for MSFS, it will likely become the community’s go-to long haul airplane.

To that end, they report the their simulation of the 777’s engines is precise to within 0.3% of planned fuel burn to a real world 777. Impressive!

The product will also have SimBrief support, Hoppie datalink support (never heard of that one before), and an upgraded PMDG EFB.

Interestingly, Robert mentioned aiming the product at both the very high end simmers as well as casual simmers too. As I’ve made mention of the casual experience in all of my airliner reviews to date, I am curious to see what and how PMDG may attempt to offer a slightly more truncated experience for those looking to get up and get a quick flight in!

Pricing, compatibility and more

The other elephants in the room have also partially been addressed. The PMDG 777-300ER will become available in the Marketplace a few weeks after release. This is reportedly to ensure that there are no issues with the product as Marketplace releases take longer to go out.

There will be a paintkit at release so that’s good news. They say an SDK will be available too.

Now…. the price. It has not been released. Hopefully we’ll be looking at something that is reasonably affordable to promote volume purchases but I worry a bit about sticker shock given the reluctance to reveal the price now. We’ll see come release no doubt!

Read the full announcement here!

5 Comments Add yours

  1. J says:

    Can’t wait for the 777-9X and 777-8X. They will be cool!


    1. ShamrockOneFive says:

      I don’t know how long it might be before those emerge. The real world versions are delayed through to 2025 according to Boeing and 2026 according to their top customers.


  2. Canada One says:

    Was really looking forward to this, but with the Chinook and Halfghanistan coming out very soon (possibly), and having just got Kola and the Phantom, and… a whole new version of MSFS out this year, it might just have to wait.


    1. ShamrockOneFive says:

      I hear you. There’s a ton of content out and coming out and the only shortage is time and money!


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