Engima announces departure from Cold War server

It’s no secret that over the last four or five years we’ve seen a growing interest in the DCS World and flight sim community in Cold War era aircraft. That trend was exemplified by community member Enigma who managed to make an extremely popular server, Enigma’s Cold War Server, a go-to destination for the DCS World community. ‘Times are a changing’ as they say and Enigma has announced a departure from the server though it doesn’t mean the end fortunately.

Changing hands of the server

In a 16-minute video, Enigma whose name has become synonymous with DCS Cold War multiplayer, announced the reasons for his departure from managing the sever. The reasons given range from changing life circumstances to the intense needs of server management with the server sometimes consuming 15-30 hours a week just to keep things running the way they should be.

The video also reminds us all that our community is often kept alive by the passion and the intense time put in by fellow members. None of that hard work should be taken for granted.

Enigma’s Cold War Server is not just a one person team over there either but Enigma’s departure has meant that someone needs to step forward. Fortunately, someone has!

Starting July 1, Heatblur Simulations, the folks who have brought us the F-4E, F-14A/B and AJS-37 modules, will step in and manage the server going forward. Hopefully this means that we’ll see at minimum a status quo of a fun objective based dogfight server experience.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Stewmanji says:

    The video also reminds us all that our community is often kept alive by the passion and the intense time put in by fellow members. None of that hard work should be taken for granted.

    Extremely well said.

    Hats off to Enigma and Co. for the tremendous amount of hard work they put in to improve the DCS multiplayer experience. And kudos to Heatblur for agreeing to step in to help maintain that experience.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Mr_Blastman says:

    Thanks Enigma for all the fish and fun!


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