It’s the day before FSExpo so here is the plan!

We’re less than 24-hours out before the start of Flight Sim Expo 2024 from the Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. This is one of the biggest flight sim events of the year and I’m excited to return to the expo in person for the first time since 2019. I’ve got some plans for the weekend so I wanted to let readers know what they can expect as the expo progresses.

Two types of content that I’m planning to write

I’m planning to write two types of content to best cover the expo. The first are going to be a series of “live blogs” with articles updated throughout the day on Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the expo. I expect the Friday and Saturday will be the busiest days and the days that I will share the most amount of information.

These live blog updates are going to be somewhat less polished than my usual but they will include updates as often as I can make them with the occasional photos or video uploaded on site (if bandwidth allows).

I’m planning to get to as many announcements, booths and events as I can while also making sure I take a bit of time to actually enjoy the event at the same time. But you can definitely count on me to find and post information about the expo as frequently as I can.

The second type of content you’re going to see is going to come after the expo with a lengthy overview of the highlights and some more in-depth information that I’ve gathered through the weekend. This will be done at my usual level of polish rather than the rougher live blogging experience you’ll see through the weekend. I intend to publish one or more articles in the days after the expo so look for those too.

That’s the plan and we’ll see how this all comes together over the weekend!

11 Comments Add yours

  1. steve4cd29a7326 says:

    Stoked for your coverage!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. oesau says:

    Looking forward to the coverage – no need to worry about the “usual polish” with those kind of updates and finally – enjoy it!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Canada One says:

    For my part, I insist on a better-than-usual polish in your updates.

    We the Grammar Police, your loyal readers, will be in full pedant mode. Any mistakes will be dealt with accordingly!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tartufas says:

      Kim jesteś, żeby oceniać jakość jego polskiego pisarstwa?


      1. Canada One says:

        Piękny 🙂


    2. ShamrockOneFive says:

      I’ll try and live up to it 😅


  4. Tartufas says:

    There’s a beer on me for you if you’re game. Hope to see you there!


    1. ShamrockOneFive says:

      Hope to run into you at the show! If there’s time for a beer maybe we can figure it out. It’s going to be action packed.


  5. Unknown says:

    Please check also the Monza stand this company knowing for the racesim hardware is now releasing fly sim hardware, like a FFB joystick.


    1. Aapje says:

      Also see the comments, where there are some slides that appear legit.


    2. ShamrockOneFive says:

      I’ll have a look!


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