Eagle Dynamics details improved AI behavior, new UH-1H campaign

A couple of news updates coming from Eagle Dynamics this DCS World Weekend News update. The big one here is that we have new information on improved AI behaviour for ground units. There’s also a new DCS: UH-1H Huey campaign out there that some of you may find interesting. Let’s go!

Improving the ground game

DCS World’s AI ground units are not very realistic in the way that they operate right now. Whatever the reason for it, the current DCS World ground units are very good at spotting, targeting and picking off ground units. It was workable when the sim only had jets in it but now we have attack helicopters and slow moving WWII aircraft and so forth and getting sniped by a BTR-80 while otherwise concealed behind some trees is not the most fun – or realistic. It sounds like something is being done.

In the new version, the range and time after which the target is detected will depend on the crew’s level of training, the unit’s state (GREEN or RED STATE) and the sights with which the unit is equipped (magnification and field of view).

With the new green and red states, vehicles may be using their sights and observation capabilities to spot the target in red mode but operating with the vehicle unbuttoned in green state. Spotting thus will depend on the state of the vehicle and the skill of the vehicle will determine if they spot the aircraft at 2.-3.5km as an ‘average’ crew or 4-5km as a ‘excellent crew.’

It all sounds good to me. Hopefully this update will be implemented soon.

New ‘Stormfront’ campaign for DCS: UH-1

We’ve got a new campaign for the DCS: UH-1H coming out soon. Its part of the “Worlds Apart” series and it puts you into a German UH-1H flying 12 detailed missions. The missions have A and B segments which sounds like it means that we have branching missions based on your choices and performance. The campaign suggests that it will test even the most capable UH-1 pilots.

Read about all of the news here.

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Canada One says:

    Any core update is a good update.

    Hope July 3rd remains on track for my Chinook. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. schurem says:

    I wonder what the timeline is for those ground to air ai improvements. They’ve been relevant for as long as KA-50s and A-10s exist in DCS… Used to be one could nerf the accuracy of the BTR and BMP of doom to sometjing below a proper specialist like the ZSU, but those files got locked. /

    This finally feels like the improvements I have clamored for since getting sniped out of the put of a KA-50 by a BMP.


  3. I hope they add improved relationship with RAZBAM behavior to the patch notes soon.


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