Flight Journal: Flying the Caribbean in the PC-12

I want to tell the story about a fun flight I did a couple of weeks ago. Sometimes my flights are challenging because of the landing, sometimes they are difficult to navigate because of aircraft and systems and sometimes its just about cruising from point A to point B through some beautiful scenery. This was one of those.

Keywest (KEYW) to (MYEH) North Eleuthera Airport

Tradewind is a private jet charter and just so happens to be one of the more common liveries in SimWorks Studios PC-12 set. The charter flies all over the place on mostly the eastern seaboard right down to the Caribbean. Two of their destinations include Key West and North Eleuthera, airports I have scenery for, so why not do a flight between them? Decision made!

Getting set at Key West is always fun. Its a scenic airport and the scenery there can be moody as it was this day. Taxiing out onto the runway under gloomy skies is one of my favourite things.

Then it was a rapid departure and away we went with the PC-12 flying over nearby Naval Air Station Key West.

This was another great opportunity to have a close look at some details of the PC-12. I elected to put in a full compliment of passengers in the fuel and weight screen which meant that the aircraft was populated with these folks.

They are a bid wooden and a little uninterested in the beautiful scenery outside (shame!) but otherwise they look pretty good.

Flying along the Florida keys and then out into open water in the PC-12 is fun. This aircraft feels fast and it looks the part.

Cruising to the destination took a while, we’re doing airliner distances in the PC-12 for this flight, but we did get there eventually.

The approach into (MYEH) North Eleuthera was made all the better by the setting sun and the beautiful water masking on the area nearby. The masking has been improved with the Caribbean sim update and their efforts have really paid off as it looked terrific on approach.

I landed the PC-12 in one of my better landings (those passengers at the back are surely happy about it) and we came over to a parking spot near the airport’s small main building. A very relaxing and fun flight to do in one seriously quick airplane.

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