Just Flight, Black Square news updates for MSFS and XP12

Just Flight and their partners, Black Square and Thranda, have a bunch of updates that have come out over the last 24-hours with news of the imminent release of their PA-28 Arrow III for X-Plane 12 and a bunch of updates for most of the Black Square line-up. Let’s have a look at it all!…

Just Flight and Black Square release the Dukes for MSFS

Black Square’s highly anticipated Duke series for Microsoft Flight Simulator has just released with the piston and turbine variants available separately or in a bundle package. Here’s what you need to know about the latest release! Choose your Duke, or get both! Black Square have been developing a reputation for high quality general aviation aircraft…

Just Flight release first Black Square Duke video

The folks at Just Flight and Black Square are gearing up for release of their piston and turbine Dukes for Microsoft Flight Simulator and this first video gives us our first look at the product in video as they move towards release. The Dukes in motion Microsoft Flight Simulator is about to get a very…

Just Flight and Black Square provide Duke update

We’ve got a new developer update from Black Square on their in-development Beechcraft Duke series aircraft. The project promises to give us a very detailed simulation of this aircraft and recent work on the project has added even more layers of simulation. Here’s what we know from the latest developer update. Additional feature work Black…

Just Flight and Black Square provide update on the Dukes

A new developer update has come out from Just Flight and Black Square with new information on the status of the Beechcraft Duke that they are bringing to Microsoft Flight Simulator. Here’s the latest! Nearly complete, heading to beta Developer Nick Cyganski has written a new update for Just Flight’s in-development product page on the…

Black Square and Just Flight announce the Duke for MSFS

The developers at Black Square are in the headlines again with a pair of new aircraft coming to Microsoft Flight Simulator. Perhaps best known for their analogue gauge overhauls of the default Beechcraft King Air and Baron, the next project in the pipeline from the team are a pair of Beechcraft Duke variants – one…