IL-2: Ju52, G-4, DX11 nearly ready

Things are heating up once again for fans of the IL-2 series as the release of the Ju52 3m, Bf109G-4 and DirectX 11 engine update near. Details abound in the latest IL-2 developer update.

DirectX 11

Some good updates on the status of the DirectX 11 engine update including confirmed 2 to 2.5 times the boost in performance during heavier scenes. It sounds like calm scenes with empty skies won’t see much of a boost but as soon as the action gets going… the new engine handles it that much better.

Extra VR support for HTC Vive and Occulus Rift should be along sometime during the winter but after the initial DX11 patch – something that I fully expected to happen. It’ll take some time to get those features updated and implemented.

Ju52 3m usefulness

Something I’ve worried about would be just how useful the Ju52 would really be in a combat simulator. Turns out it can be programmed to be very useful. Dropping troops or supplies can activate triggers in single or multiplayer matches and do all sorts of cool things.

Developing Ju-52 required us to improve the special mission object Translator Complex Trigger. It is now fully functional and opens up new possibilities for mission designers. It can track new events like cargo unloading at an airfield and squad or cargo air-drops. This allows for more interesting multiplayer missions.  For example, capture of an airfield may be scripted when enough paratroopers are dropped near it. Or a mission designer can unlock new loadouts for aircraft at an airfield after successful cargo delivery by Ju-52’s or activate AAA batteries or mechanized columns after successful cargo drops in their areas (like vital supplies were delivered).

We also have confirmation that the Ju52 can be equipped with or without a rear turret making it into a civil version of the same aircraft.


There is quite a lot in this week’s developer update so its well worth the read!

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