DCS: F-15E goes up for pre-order today

This one has been a long time coming and the twice delayed pre-order for RAZBAM’s F-15E Strike Eagle goes up today. There’s a discount, a new trailer, and some details to go over so let’s check it all out.

Closer to release, pre-order today

This week’s DCS World Weekend News update is devoted exclusively to RAZBAM’s F-15E Strike Eagle. A project that has been long in the making, its time is nearly at hand as the pre-order starts today and Eagle Dynamics reports that the final phase of debugging and testing is now underway.

The update advertises the F-15E’s wide range of capabilities. Those include its synthetic aperture radar for sophisticated ground mapping and targeting, the Low-Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night (LANTIRN) pod with its terrain following radar, long-range thanks to its conformal fuel tanks, and wide array of weapons.

Simulation oriented features are mentioned too such as the advanced flight modeling, highly detailed model, and detailed simulation of the F-15E’s systems. Eagle Dynamics reports that the subject of the simulation is a 2003 F-15E Strike Eagle Suite 4E+ although we know that RAZBAM plan to add newer features to the jet over time which will bring it up to a more modern standard optionally.

There’s also mention of interactive training missions, detailed manual, Baltic Dragon created story driven campaign, and single and multiplayer oriented missions all included.

Pre-order begins today on the DCS World website and there’s 30% discount in place at the moment bringing the price down from $79.99 USD regular to 55.99 USD with the discount in place. They have also mentioned in the update that the pre-order is in place only on the DCS World store and not on Steam. It’s unclear if the pre-order will ultimately come to Steam eventually or not.

Check out the pre-order trailer too!

20 Comments Add yours

  1. CanadaOne says:

    It might not be on Steam?


    Liked by 1 person

    1. ShamrockOneFive says:

      Maybe! Waiting to hear more about it.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. CanadaOne says:

    It’s a mess, but they really don’t care.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mplichta says:

      I don’t get it… all fuss with people ‘hate’ ED/3rd party devs… just support authors, by using standalone launcher, let money go directly to them not to middle man/steam… simple as that!


  3. harryvoyager says:

    It does seem to be having an oddly cursed launch.

    Definitely going to get it on order once I’ve got time to, but definitely weirdly cursed.

    Will be fascinating to see how the module plays out.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. CanadaOne says:

      I’m sure the module will be great. But the roll out of the pre-order was a clown show.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. padinn says:

    It will not be on steam for prworder, its been confirmed by Razbam. It will be for early access at 20% off.


    1. CanadaOne says:

      The lack of communication between Razbam/ED and the customers is the issue. For sure they knew weeks ago there would be no pre-order on Steam. But they leave it until after the pre-order is out to announce it won’t be on Steam. And they didn’t even announce it on the main site until some forum members found posts elsewhere saying it would not be available.

      It’s a shame to be negative, especially on this site, but I think the thought process from RB/ED is, “Look, you’re going to buy it anyway, so just shut up.”

      They completely messed this up and they couldn’t care less. There it is.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. ShamrockOneFive says:

        This has been a difficult roll out. Article incoming shortly.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. NineLine says:

        To be fair, the fact that it was only on the E-shop was in the text for the newsletter which was the Pre-Order Announcement. We said right away there was no plan for Pre-order for Steam and this was RAZBAM’s decision. I know this won’t help, nor will saying we do care, but we do. Take that for what you want. Thanks.


  5. CanadaOne says:

    I count on Shamrock to be painfully fair in his assessment.

    But did ONE person from ED/RB show up and say “Hey, sorry guys, I know some of you are disappointed, and we could have made this clearer, but we’ll try to roll this out as best as possible and hope you really enjoy the plane.”

    But I don’t think that happened. I think all we got was “We did everything fine and nothing is our fault. Please make your purchases when possible.”

    Not sure that is the best play.


    1. NineLine says:

      That’s all I have been doing all day long, to be honest, no it was a mess and a lot of things to take away from it and discuss for sure. I certainly didn’t say we did everything fine and nothing is our fault, but if that’s how you read it, sorry.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. CanadaOne says:

        I haven’t seen much of that at all. Maybe it got lost in all the mess. But if it is there I will accept it as an adequate apology or explanation, whatever you wish to call it.

        Maybe a sticky with a few short words in it. Doesn’t take much to repair damage if it comes off as sincere. Your customer base, though childish and excitable – I know because I’m part of it – is extremely loyal. A few kind words can go a long way.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. ShamrockOneFive says:

        Absolutely. We’re a loyal but excitable and passionate bunch! 🙂

        Yeah I’m looking at the forum thread here (as just one of several hot threads): https://forum.dcs.world/topic/319593-dcs-newsletter-discussion-17th-february-2023-razbam-f-15e-pre-order/ as well as a huge number of messages on the ED Discord server. Probably elsewhere.


      3. ShamrockOneFive says:

        I just waded through a whole bunch of it myself for a summary article. You folks were busy today!


    2. ShamrockOneFive says:

      My summary of everything is up now so have a look!

      To be fair to the ED community managers, I’ve just spent the last 20-30 minutes going through messages and they have been working on crisis comms management for most of the day.


  6. butcher75 says:

    I have been Concerned about the state of the module once it Launches into early access. After the state of the Falklands map being so incomplete. They really put the early in early access on that one. I have a Nagging feeling it will launch as a complete mess. I hope I’m wrong my favorite module is the Mirage 2000C. I don’t doubt they will eventually get the module to be great with time. But after the pre order debacle and the map being so incomplete it does not bode well.


    1. ShamrockOneFive says:

      In the realm of public confidence and reputation, this does cause some understandable concern and perhaps even hesitancy. Interest remains high so I don’t think its fatal or even all that concerning in the long run.

      RAZBAM have had a history of challenged releases but they also have a history of sticking with it and delivering on solid products in the long run. The M-2000C, AV-8B and MiG-19 all speak to it. I think South Atlantic will get there eventually. I also guess that the F-15E will have some issues too… and that it will be sorted out.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. B12 says:

    Bought it just now for the 30% discount before that became to late to do, been wary after reading stuff about Razbam’s F-15 here … what I have seen is just radar screens and stuff and this makes me think it might be a very immature product for release this way and that it might be months and months away from a first release?

    An F15 E is an F-15E though and worth making an early expenditure for.

    Whens it due for release does anybody know, even roughly?


    1. ShamrockOneFive says:

      Over the last several months we’ve seen a number of tutorials (do a search for them and you’ll see) covering a pretty wide variety of systems including one targeting pod, the air to ground and air to air radar, and a good selection of weapons.

      I hope we have the final launch list confirmed soon.

      The release date is months rather than weeks but maybe not that many seeing as the pre order is live.


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