DCS round-up: Viper pilot, Normandy 2, Top Gun Sale, Corsair, and Gazelle!

A few things have emerged this week across the spectrum of DCS World sources including some updates on the Normandy 2.0 map, development progress on a new pilot model for the Viper, a Maverick/Top Gun themed bundle sale, as well as new images of the DCS: F4U Corsair and a new video showing off the latest updates to the Gazelle. Let’s go!

Viper pilot

Eagle Dynamics has been refreshing their pilot models across multiple recent modules. The F/A-18C pilot has been seen recently and now were getting a look at the F-16C. The new model is, like the other upgrade projects, aimed at providing more realism and immersion.

Normandy 2.0 updates

DCS: Normandy 2.0 is out and, in typical Ugra Media fashion, they are continuing to add to the project. According to the DCS World Weekend News update, an upcoming edition of the map will include new factories, the port of Le Trepor, fishing boats, underground tunnels in Paris, and new tram lines and wooden piers in London. There are also improvements to radar towers, ports, and airfields.

They also mention some changes to the terrain and lighting of objects. Some have remarked about the colour pallet and I wonder if that is what is being referenced here. We’ll see when the update comes through.

Maverick sale

Last year, around the time that Top Gun: Maverick finally came to theatres, Eagle Dynamics pushed out a thematic bundle sale. The bundle is back offering both DCS: F/A-18C and DCS: F-14 for $95.99 USD. The DCS: F-14 Tomcat is also on sale, by itself, for $51.99 USD which is the deepest discount this module has yet seen.

If you want to feel or remember the hype from last year, check out the Eagle Dynamics ‘Turn and burn’ video.

Read more about all of these three items from the DCS World Weekend News.

Now let’s cover some items not in the news!

F4U damage model work

Magnitude-3 have made a few updates over the last few days on their Facebook page showing off the F4U Corsair. The screenshots include visuals of the internal framing of the Corsair and then various damage effects applied to them. One of the captions reads “time to bend the frames” which suggests that they are still tweaking the overall effect and will be making some further visual damages to the internal framing.

La-7 damage work too

A few images have come from Octopus G as well this week showing very similar work on their DCS: La-7 project. There’s also some clearing up of misconceptions for those not aware – the La-7, much like its predecessor, retained the wooden construction. The skin of the aircraft was made of “Delta Wood” which some simmers remember being a big talking point for quite some time (especially in the original IL-2 Sturmovik community). The wood/resin construction was baked at high temperatures and resulted in something that was similar, albeit heavier, to aircraft grade aluminum. Unique visual damage effects look to have taken the construction into account.

Octopus G also writes about a system where the La-7’s fuel tanks would gradually fill with exhaust gasses to prevent detonation due to enemy fire when tanks were empty.

New Gazelle info!

Celricaviation on YouTube has presented an all new video with a development version of the DCS: SA342 Gazelle helicopter. The video talks about many of the new features of the helicopter with a focus on the Gazelle-L version.

There’s an all new flight model, a new type of missile aiming sight for the HOT anti-tank missiles, and new weapons and configurations. You can still equip the GIAT M621 cannon but now also fit the FN HMP400 in single or dual configurations with an ammo supply of up to 400 rounds.

The Gazelle’s biggest issue has traditionally been its flight model so it will be interesting to see how this revamped model compares and if it satisfies helicopter pilots in DCS.

The upgraded Gazelle was originally intended to come after the release of the OH-58 Kiowa Warrior (which does briefly appear in the video) but it looks like that may happen in the opposite order.

9 Comments Add yours

  1. CanadaOne says:

    Glad to see the Gazelle get some love. I’ll check out that video. Thanks.

    Hope the Mi-8 gets a new cockpit one day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ShamrockOneFive says:

      I hope the Mi-8 gets some love too!


  2. busdriver says:

    The pilot model is NOT an F-16 pilot. They’ve knackered it. There are leg garters around the thigh and ankles that were features of the Phantom NOT the Viper. [Old man yelling at kids to get off his lawn mode: ON] Another terribly minor point, the cuff of the sleeve should be snugged closed (velcro) and the gloves over the cuff like a gauntlet. That’s strictly a fire safety technique so flames wouldn’t go up your sleeve like smoke going up a chimney. But that was a Jurassic Era technique. The modern technique appears to be having the sleeves pushed up to the elbow (bare forearms) and no gloves, if gloves are worn then at least a couple of fingers cut off for easier touchscreen manipulation. It makes them look like sky gods in the GoPro YouTube videos. [Old man yelling at kids to get off his lawn mode: OFF]

    Watching this video I thought of a great drinking game, EVERY time the pilot put a hand on top of her helmet to check the space between her cranium and canopy [take a drink]. EVERY time the pilot pushes a sleeve up [take a drink].

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Blue 5 says:

      Up to elbows and no gloves? I never been seeing that! But the fingerless does appear quite normal.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. ShamrockOneFive says:

      Thanks for pointing all of that stuff out! I’d have no idea!

      Yell away sir, yell away ☺️


  3. Urgent Siesta says:

    At this rate, we may be flying the La-7 before the F4U. Time to release it, boys!!!

    La-7 skin damage effect is impressive!

    Gazelle will be a BIG hit if the new FM is accurate – it’ll be like having a fighter when all the other helos are medium bombers 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Blue 5 says:

      Mostly OT, but possibly my first sim was Aces of The Pacific. It had a ‘1946’ expansion that added the F2G Corsair. I always thought that was one of the coolest late war fighter, even if it never saw service.

      Hopefully the new Combat Pilot series will head in that direction.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Urgent Siesta says:

        Amen to both, Brother!


  4. Urgent Siesta says:

    I watched that video he says the new flight model is poised to release “in one of the next DCS updates”!!!
    woo hoo!!!!

    p.s.: He doesn’t talk about it so we won’t know until it’s out, but at least a few of the cues of a good helo FM appear in the video 🙂


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