AzurPoly update Bronco, Fouga

Seemingly never resting, AzurPoly have just released their first update on their OV-10 aircraft release for Microsoft Flight Simulator with a host of fixes and updates. They are also going back to one of their first MSFS releases and updating the Fouga Magister. Let’s have a look!

Magister, Bronco update

AzurPoly’s OV-10 Bronco release has been updated to version 1.1.0. Here’s the changelog from the recently released aircraft.

Bronco v1.1.0 changelog:
- New hydraulic pump logic with assisted steering
- Improved startup sounds
- Fixed autopilot V/S mode
- Fixed aircraft rolling backwards with strong winds
- Fixed voltmeter indication with inverters disconnected
- Fixed yaw damper switch
- Increased pilot 3D models size
- Improved propeller feathering sequence in flight
- Added thousands digit to UHF radio
- Changed BDHI behaviour when NAV tuned to ILS
- Fixed starter sound launched with battery off
- Added tooltips for COM/NAV, ADF and TACAN frequencies
- Fixed air force roundels orientation below wings
- Added EFB button to reset axis settings
- Prevent clicks behind EFB tablet

The developers are reportedly turning their attention to the power levels on the aircraft where quite a bit of custom code is already in place. Apparently some elements of this haven’t been received as well as hoped and they are working on creating some options in the EFB.

Meanwhile, the company is also turning their attention to one of their earliest MSFS releases. The Fouga CM.170 Magister jet trainer is getting an update to version 1.3.0 with the following updates.

- Added transponder to EFB
- Fixed missing roundel on French livery
- Linked smoke system to existing key bindings
- Fixed display issue with white smoke
- Save copilot display choice between flights
- Use EFB home button to close it
- Updated EFB with recent improvements
- Improved accessibility arrows on knobs

They close our their recent Facebook update by saying that the C-160 Transall and TB-30 Epsilon are also in the process of being updated. Check them out over here for more updates!

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