DCS: Marianas Islands has just released!

We knew it was coming soon but all of the sudden, here it is, DCS: Marianas Islands has released for DCS World bringing with it a new type of map and one that is free to all DCS World pilots. This should be very interesting to see in action! Heading over to the Pacific DCS:…

1CGS give us first look at Normandy map

The first look at a map is always exciting. We saw a peak at some mountains for Kuban and a look at different seasons with the Rhineland map and this time we’re getting a first look at what Normandy’s map is going to look like. We also have confirmation that the Rhineland map for IL-2:…

1CGS’ giant Bodenplatte update

The latest IL-2 Developer Diary comes a day early and it comes packing a huge amount of content into it with the focus being almost entirely on IL-2: Battle of Bodenplatte. The map, the Me262, the P-38, and the B-25 are all part of a huge update! Even a few more details about the Tempest…

We now have info on the DCS: Syria map

A middle east map centered on Syria has been talked about as a future addition to DCS World for a long time. Now, it looks like it is moving forward and making some progress. I missed the news when it first came out at the end of last year but I am catching up now….