1CGS upgrading single player campaigns, announce new ones for IL-2

Over the years, 1CGS have put out a number of scripted campaigns both freely available with certain products and sold separately on their webstore and on Steam. In the most recent Developer Diary, they are reporting that they are going back and providing updates to many of these to take advantage of new features and…

IL-2 ‘Wind of Fury’ campaign review

It may have slipped past, unnoticed in the patch notes, but I want to make sure to get some attention for a very fun Scripted Campaign for IL-2 Battle of Bodenplatte. ‘Wind of Fury’ is a free Scripted Campaign featuring the Tempest Mark V and after completing a play through I can say that it’s…

Flight Journal: ‘Wind of Fury,’ the first three missions

Just over a month ago, owners of IL-2: Battle of Boddenplatte received a free Scripted Campaign to help pad out the single player experience. It features the Tempest Mark V (Series 2) introduction on the front-lines following the conclusion of the V-1 interception campaign. If the first three missions are any indication, the following seven…

IL-2 patch 4.501 is out with a massive change to visibility

1CGS is a persistent developer in their efforts to improve the state of the IL-2: Great Battles series and patch 4.501 is a testament to continually responding to issues that the community have brought forward. With patch 4.501 we see some big changes to the way spotting and visibility works in the sim. We also…