Eagle Dynamics details damage model update, P-47 turbo, F-16 notes

It’s another DCS World Weekend News update and this week we’ve got a look at three items. The damage model update, the P-47 and a brief note about the F-16. Let’s talk about all three!

Damage model update

DCS World’s damage model is adequate when it comes to missile combat and jets firing 20mm, 23mm, and 30mm gatling guns at each other. It’s not nearly where it should be when it comes to WWII aircraft and lower calibre machine guns such as the .303 or even the .50cal. Fortunately, Eagle Dynamics has been working on a very extensive update to their damage system.

Here’s some of the latest.

In modelling the different systems on the aircraft, we also focus on many aspects of the undercarriage. Now you can lose brakes on a specific wheel, suffer hydraulics failure on particular piston, and even damage the drives for the gear themselves. In addition and as shown in the images below, you can take damage that would cause the up or down locks to fail. This means you could suffer gear droop or gear collapse on landing.

DCS World Weekend News update

Of course, these are welcome updates but it sounds like this will continue to be a lengthy process that Eagle Dynamics goes through to update the model and their aircraft. Still, progress is being made and the images help speak a thousand words.

DCS: P-47 turbo charger discussion

Eagle Dynamics flight model designer, Dmitry “Yo-Yo” Moskalenko, is busy working on the P-47 right now with special attention on the aircraft’s turbosupercharger system.

The P-47, in my mind, will be one of our most interesting aircraft from an engine handling point of view. We believe that it will be very challenging for users. It is one of the most interesting planes for developers from an engineer’s point of view.

Dmitry “Yo-Yo” Moskalenko

I recommend reading the whole description if you’re interested as Yo-Yo goes into detail both on how the turbo system works and what kind of work they needed to do to build an accurate simulation of that unique system into DCS World.

F-16 release date note

Eagle Dynamics has committed to a release date announcement next week which means they are close but not yet confident at this point what date they will hit. This decreases chances for the aircraft coming next week but certainly puts it close by.

They did apologize for the confusing release date on Steam which was input months ago and, while a solid guess, is not quite the right date.

We’ll find out more next week and that should help seal the deal on when the F-16C will release into the Open Beta and into early access.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Flappie says:

    Hey, have you seen ED’s post about two new WWII maps in the making? It’s here, in the comment section : https://www.facebook.com/notes/dcs-world-by-eagle-dynamics/wwii-updates-more/10162492325170341/

    Liked by 2 people

    1. ShamrockOneFive says:

      I had not seen that. Thanks for spotting! I’ll find out what I can and make a post. Thanks for the tip!


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