Bodenplatte, Flying Circus now on Steam, pre-orders going well

Plenty of news surrounding IL-2: Great Battles right now as we see the wrap-up of one development cycle and the beginning of another one. Battle of Bodenplatte, Flying Circus Vol 1, and the FW190D-9 and P-38J are now all available on the Steam Store. We’ve also learned that pre-orders for Battle of Normandy are going well. Here’s the latest!

Now available on Steam!

Four new items are now available on the Steam Store including IL-2: Battle of Bodenplatte (Standard Edition), Flying Circus Vol 1, and the Fw190D-9 and P-38J-25 Collector Planes.

Standard edition on the IL-2 website

During the pre-order early access period, Premium versions of the title are the only versions on hand, however, after launch the 1CGS team also makes a slightly less expensive Standard edition available minus the two Collector Aircraft. These are the aforementioned P-38J-25 and Fw190D-9.

Standard and Premium editions both have a small discount applied right now with Premium coming in at $69.99 (regular $79.99) and Standard edition at $44.99 (regular $49.99) all in U.S. Dollars.

Battle of Normandy pre-order sales apparently good!

Flight sim companies such as 1CGS are always fighting for space in a very crowded gaming market place. Gone are the heydays of the simulator world back in the late 1980s and 1990s when some of the legendary names of the sim world made their mark with full retail releases. Still, IL-2 is one of several sims that live on and seem to be making their own mark and it’s good news to hear from IL-2’s Lead Producer when he posted last week that IL-2: Battle of Normandy pre-sales were better than they saw with IL-2: Battle of Bodenplatte.

Thank you again to all who have ordered BON or the new Hurri and Yaks already! We’re outpacing BOBP Pre-Orders so please, please, please keep up the support this Holiday Season! My goal every year is to show 1C that combat sims still have a place in this world and can be profitable as we bring more and more people into the fold. Keep pouring it on guys and gals!!

Jason Williams on the IL-2 forum

This does bode well for the series. I have high hopes that things will continue to evolve with the series adding new features and refining features that still are in need of being updated. It also keeps my hope alive that some of the other titles in the series such as the Tank Crew and Flying Circus lines might be able to further justify additional follow-up’s that would potentially add not only new content to them but bolster the feature sets for the original titles.

One Comment Add yours

  1. Percy Danvers says:

    I’m glad to hear things are going well! I plan to preorder all of these.

    Liked by 1 person

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