IL-2 ‘Ice Ring’ Scripted Campaign coming this Summer

1CGS premier scripted campaign builder Alex =BlackSix= Timoshkov has been busy building a new campaign for the IL-2: Great Battles Series and with today’s announcement we now have a third campaign that forms a kind of trilogy on the Battle of Stalingrad. Ice Ring is all about the aerial operations performed by IL-2’s during December of 1942 at the height of a desperate battle around Stalingrad.

Trilogy completed

A trilogy that has formed around the scripted campaigns they have released for IL-2: Great Battles starting with the Blazing Steppe summer campaign, Fortress on the Volga autumn campaign, and now Ice Ring’s winter campaign for the famous Battle of Stalingrad. Each piece of the story telling a different perspective from both German and Russian sides of the conflict.

Ice Ring focuses in on the December 1942 time period and puts the player in the titular IL-2 Sturmovik for 15 missions and about 7 hours of gameplay.

It looks like BlackSix’s latest campaign will focus on mission variety. During the December 1942 time period, Stalingrad had been encircled and fighting remained intense. The Luftwaffe’s attempts to supply the army located at Stalingrad with an armada of transport aircraft was met with fierce resistance from Russian air defenses including IL-2’s that were pressed into service as interceptors – just one of the kinds of missions that are listed in the description for the campaign.

Between moving around to 4 different airbases and operating in multiple battles, this campaign looks like it will offer up a lot of fun. And, BlackSix’s Sea Dragons campaign was already a lot of fun so I can see this one following that up.

Coming this summer

1CGS report’s that the campaign will come this summer. It’s now available on the IL-2 webstore for $9.99 and will surely be on Steam before too long as well.

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