Four Mirage F1 versions coming to DCS World

We have something of a surprise announcement as the creators of the C-101 have upped the ante on their initial announcement of doing a Mirage F1 for DCS World with news that they will be doing four versions of the French jet fighter. There’s more so let’s dig into it.

Aerges steps up for F1 development

The C-101 by AvioDev has generated a small but growing audience of fans and nearly everyone who reads the DCS World Open beta patch notes likely can’t help but notice how much attention the C-101 has received in every patch. AvioDev, however, seems to be a thing of the past now as the team appears to be reforming under a new name – Aerges. This new team apparently is bringing in much of the old team plus new members, many whom have already been working on the C-101.

Although it isn’t news that a Mirage F1 was in the works, what is news is the loads of screenshots released and news that the F1 in the works is actually going to be four F1 variants including single seat, two seat, and a modernized single seat version too.

  • Mirage F1-CE (basic single seat version)
  • Mirage F1-EE (multi-role with refueling probe)
  • Mirage F1-BE (basic two seater)
  • Mirage F1-M (modernized with partial glass cockpit)

All are based on the Spanish version of the Mirage F1 although they are investigating if they can do other regional versions. More exciting is news that the team is planning to release their first early access version within 6-months although the F1-M variant is expected to take longer with its more sophisticated avionics.

Several dozen screenshots have been released of the cockpit and exterior model including these below and many more on their Facebook page. Check out Aerges Engineering SL on Facebook.

18 Comments Add yours

  1. CanadaOne says:

    More planes is good planes.

    Really hope someone makes an F-104 one day.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. ShamrockOneFive says:

      Yeah, you never know. We’ve seen quite the explosion of Cold War era jet fighters recently. From the F-8 and A-7 to this F1, and the BAe Lightning. It’s looking really good.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. butcher75 says:

    They look great wow. Correct me if I’m wrong but these were not fly by wire is that right?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Blue 5 says:

      Physically, yes. Electronically, no.


  3. Doctor Drago says:

    Oooh, I’ve always liked the F1, the pleasant surprises keep coming! That’s a nice change 😁

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Ivan Romanychev says:

    Sorry for off-topic, but no one knows when the discounts on the IL-2 Sturmovik? Mirage F1 beautiful. But I would like to see the F-100 as opposed to the MiG-19)


    1. Mischiew Rithe says:

      There was a big sales not long ago for Halloween. Last year they did one end of November… There are many of them, so it shouldn’t be long until the next one 😉

      But there’s no jet on IL-2 Sturmovik (except the Me), if that’s what you’re after :p

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Ivan Romanychev says:

    Sorry for google translate.


  6. Blue says:

    Jaguar, anyone? Or Super Etendard with a Foch class?

    Liked by 1 person

  7. schurem says:

    Man what a sexy little plane! This thing is even smaller than an F-16. Should be marvellous in a 80s furball scenario. I really like its looks. Don’t expect much out of that radar, it is tiny and probably comparable to the one in the F-5E.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ShamrockOneFive says:

      For sure! It looks like fun. I did a little searching around and it seems that Cyrano radar went through some upgrades. So the basic version has 27 nm range (similar to that F-5 as you suggested) but the Cyrano IVM version that was put in the Spanish F1M version has double the range out to about 60nm.

      Very interesting to be getting both versions (although not all at once).


      1. Blue 5 says:

        According to Iftach Specter’s book ‘Loud and Clear’ (which I thoroughly recommend), the IDF found an issue with the radar and corrected it. They sent their findings back to France though not sure what effect this had. Probably useful given their huge dependence on the M.III

        Liked by 2 people

  8. Mischiew Rithe says:

    The more the merrier! I had a scale model of it when I was a kid (and did an awful job of it, never had enough patience).

    The Mirage III would also be quite interesting, closer to the roots.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ShamrockOneFive says:

      That’s what I think too! RAZBAM at one point was modeling a Mirage III. I think it’s still in the works for their South Atlantic expansion. Of course its one of a dozen modules that they may end up doing so it could take some time.

      This Mirage F1 seems like the next likely aircraft from the famous series to arrive.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. ClannK says:

    This plane is not really my cup of tea…

    BUT they did such a good job on the C-101,
    AND there will be an F1 two-seater? Count me in!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Blue 5 says:

      There is a ‘B’; model but I believe it is only a trainer

      Liked by 1 person

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