Ju88C-6 and Gleaves-class on display for IL-2 dev update

Another short but image filled update from the folks at 1C Game Studios as they show off their latest work on the Ju88C-6 and the Gleaves-class destroyer that we saw just two weeks ago. Significant progress has been made! Let’s check it out.

Ju88C-6 flies again

Fans of twin engine aircraft might find this update interesting as we’ve got the Ju88C-6 on display. This fighter-bomber/attack/Zerstörer variant of the Ju88 I think is going to be a bit of a sleeper hit as its combined guns and bomb loadout will make it a potent attack aircraft perhaps in a similar vein to the A-20B in IL-2 multiplayer servers.

The latest update shows the aircraft in-engine and flying around the landscape. Check them out!

Also of note is the underwing bombs. There’s been some debate about the Ju88C-6 and what kind of bomb loadout would be available to it. Some information suggested only internal carriage while others referenced external loadouts.

Fortunately, a post by Vik’s from the 1CGS team seems to have cleared up the details with direct quotation from a book on the subject.

From “Sea Eagles vol.2.Luftwaffe Antishipping Units 1942-1945” Classic Pub, p174:

A week later, the Allies invaded Normandy and the Luftwaffe was forced to rush reinforcements within ränge of the beachhead. The first of 2. Jagdkorps’ units to be sent to the skies over Normandy were the Junkers 88 C-6s and R-2s of ZG 1. For the weeks preceding the Invasion, they had carried out anti-invasion patrols so it came as no surprise that on the afternoon of 6 June 1944, they were committed to battle, as Uffz Aegidius Berzborn recalls:

“The days before the Invasion began, there had been permanent air attacks on our bases so that we were often forced to move to other airfields. Then came the ‘Longest Day’, the Invasion. I do not remember how many missions we flew to the Orne Estuary and for those missions, our planes carried bombs under the wings.

Our losses during these attacks were enormous. I saw how my comrades were butchered. The combats were so cruel and the enemy’s air superiority was overwhelming…”

That should add some added capability with bigger bombs being carried in exchange for a drag penalty. Of course, in the real world example above, it’s clear that the overwhelming air superiority of the Allies over the beachhead overwhelmed any capability that ZG1’s Ju88C-6’s may have had. I suspect the single player experience may be difficult but that the Ju88C-6 in our simulator will have more range of option in multiplayer.

Gleaves fully textured

Something else on display in this short update is the USS Gleaves and the Gleaves-class of destroyer. Just two weeks ago we saw the untextured version. Now, things have jumped forward and it appears fully detailed and textured. And it looks really good!

For all of this and more, visit the IL-2 developer diary.

8 Comments Add yours

  1. Blue 5 says:

    I don’t really see the point of the C-6, but good to see BoN progressing.


    1. ShamrockOneFive says:

      Think about as the Axis side getting something more approximating a type like the A-20.


  2. Gretsch_Man says:

    Been one of those of twin engine aircraft fans, I have been wondering about the mission profile for the Ju88 (and the Me410) in single player campaign since BoN was announced.
    I agree that having to fly in broad daylight with the Ju88 during that time period doesn’t sound like a lot of fun. Hopefully, the campaign will also have plenty of night-time raids (I think that’s what the Luftwaffe actually did historically).


    1. Blue 5 says:

      Maybe we’ll get a Mistel mod?


      1. ShamrockOneFive says:

        That sounds like a project in itself. I don’t think the current engine has any ability to connect and separate aircraft together that way.

        I’d guess no… but wonders never cease 🙂


      2. Det says:

        In order to introduce models and or bashes we’d have to have access to their Max plugin, which they’ll never release. Let alone allow existing MDL modification.


    2. ShamrockOneFive says:

      It sounds like it was used during daylight to predictably terrible losses in real life. So… it may be a challenge in Normandy single player. That can be fun but hopefully we’ll see some night ops for the type too.

      In multiplayer I think it will do better than some fear. It’s approximately similar to the A-20B and while not as agile I think it can be flown successfully to avoid enemy fighters and attack targets with success or with ample fighter cover. With its more low profile strafing armament versus flying high and dive bombing, I think this could work.

      LukeFF on the forums is also talking about its Kuban single player appearances and that the team is preparing two new units for the Kuban campaign so we’ll see the Ju88C-6 outside of its Normandy use as well. Always good to have multiple options.


      1. Novice-Flyer says:

        That’s good to hear that the Ju-88C-6 is being added to Kuban Career.

        Hopefully the next installment will be a return to the Eastern Front as a late war installment or an early war such as Finland, or a 1941 and 1943 installment, which in either case we’ll get another Russian bomber like the IL-4 or Tu-2, and, though unlikely, TB-3.

        Liked by 1 person

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