DCS World 2.8 is coming, plus La-7 announcement

The big news this week is that DCS World 2.8 is coming and its bringing with it some new features, particularly surrounding the sim’s rendering technology for clouds. This week we also get an announcement for Octopus G’s La-7 which is now formally announced as a module. DCS World 2.8 and what that means The…

IL-2’s graphics have made big jumps forward

Sometimes a flight sim takes a big leap forward and looks like a whole new sim all at once. DCS World did when it jumped up to version 2.5 and it did again when it went to 2.7 introducing new clouds, lighting, and all kinds of new effects. The team at 1C Game Studios working…

IL-2 Great Battles new clouds aren’t just a visual update

This year has been the year of the cloud in flight simulation. To be more accurate, it started back in 2019 when Microsoft Flight Simulator was first revealed and their new ray marched clouds blew us all away with their impressive visuals. Since then, we’ve seen everyone else aim to keep up with plugins for…

IL-2’s significant cloud update is just around the corner

It almost happened today but it’s not quite ready yet as 1CGS puts the finishing touches on one of two expected updates for IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles this month. Here’s what we know! Upgraded clouds patch on the way Pulled at the last second to resolve some final issues, nonetheless the series Executive Producer, Jason…

IL-2 dev diary gives us more new clouds, Ar234 cockpit, Ju52 4K skins

This week we’ve got a new IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles developer diary update and it’s packed with some new screenshots of the Ar234’s cockpit as well as some brilliant new images of IL-2’s new upgraded clouds and some nice new Ju52 4K skins which are now already in the sim. Arado cockpit First up, the…

Next IL-2 patch moves towards release

There’s no developer diary coming this week, however, Executive Producer Jason Williams was on the forums dropping a few juicy details about the next patch and progress on the new clouds. So here’s a quick update! Patch moves to release, new clouds to beta A couple of quick updates for everyone. First, we’ve learned that…

More screenshots of IL-2’s new clouds

I love when the development team themselves show off how excited they are about new features. There is genuine excitement in the most recent post by IL-2 Great Battles Executive Producer Jason Williams about the new cloud system. That excitement comes with some brand new screenshots too so let’s have a look! The forecast? Cloudy!…

New clouds, AQM, and Breguet 14.B2 part of new IL-2 update

Breguet 14.B2 The first part of the update focuses on the Breguet 14.B2. This is the first French bomber to come to the Flying Circus series and it’s both an impressive aircraft as well as a popular one among those who used to fly it (or maybe still do) in Rise of Flight. When it…

Encouraging comments on IL-2’s new clouds

Another teaser and some comments have come out surrounding the development of IL-2 Great Battles clouds enhancement project. Jason Williams, Executive Producer, went to the forums to talk a bit more about his own first impressions of the technology in operation. Quick test The update on the forums wasn’t part of a formal update but…

1CGS show off new clouds for IL-2: Great Battles!

IL-2’s developer diary comes a day early this week and it comes absolutely packed with new screenshots showing off their new cloud technology which is being developed for the core of the sim. Let’s have a look at some new clouds! New visuals, new localized weather! We’ve know for a little while now that IL-2…