Just Flight, Black Square news updates for MSFS and XP12

Just Flight and their partners, Black Square and Thranda, have a bunch of updates that have come out over the last 24-hours with news of the imminent release of their PA-28 Arrow III for X-Plane 12 and a bunch of updates for most of the Black Square line-up. Let’s have a look at it all!…

Just Flight PA28 series update plans and Xbox compatibility

Just Flight’s trio of PA28 aircraft for Microsoft Flight Simulator are getting substantial updates including Xbox support. Let’s have a look at what’s new! The Piper trio get an update Just Flight have just made an announcement about their PA-28R Arrow III, PA-28R Turbo Arrow III/IV and PA-28-161 Warrior II add-ons for Microsoft Flight Simulator….

Carenado announces PA-28 Archer II plus PC-12 updates

A couple of updates are coming out from the folks at Carenado. First, they have made an announcement that they are doing a PA-28 Archer II for Microsoft Flight Simulator. They have unleashed a ton of screenshots so check for those below. They have also made some updates to their PC-12 but does it solve…

Just Flight weekend sale includes MSFS aircraft!

For the first time, Just Flight, the makers and publisher of aircraft for P3D, X-Plane, FSX, and Microsoft Flight Simulator are offering MSFS aircraft in one of their weekend sales with two relatively new aircraft being offered alongside over a dozen different products from across their range. Piper Arrow III for sale and more The…

JustFlight announces PA-28 Warrior II, plus Turbo Arrow update

Some news from JustFlight today as they have formally announced development on another Piper aircraft project for Microsoft Flight Simulator. This time it’s the PA-28 Warrior II. They have also updated us on their plans with the PA-28R Turbo Arrow project. Let’s have a look! Warrior II in development The PA-28 Warrior II represents a…

Just Flight has launched their PA-28R Arrow III

Highly anticipated by generation aviation aircraft fans, Just Flight has released their PA-28R Arrow III for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Promising a highly detailed GA aircraft experience, the Just Flight release of this aircraft has been in development for a long time and now it is here. This is what you need to know! Ready to…

PA-28 Arrow for MSFS news round-up

Carenado and Just Flight are both releasing their own take on the Piper PA-28 Arrow III for Microsoft Flight Simulator and there’s news and video reactions for both aircraft that are coming out. This is the latest round-up of all of the key pieces of news on both of these aircraft. Carenado’s Arrow III available…

Carenado is bringing a PA-28 Arrow to MSFS

Get ready for dueling PA-28 Arrows as Microsoft Flight Simulator is set to get two over a very short period of time. Carenado has shown off the first screenshots from their PA-28 Cherokee Arrow showing off a slightly different variant of the Arrow. Let’s have a look! Beautiful screenshots The latest news comes with Carenado’s…

New videos for Just Flight’s PA-28 Arrow III for MSFS

A couple of new videos have come out about Just Flight’s in-house developed PA-28R Arrow III for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Let’s have a look at the latest! Sounds, visuals on display Screenshots are great but a video is often worth so much more and in this case it really is as we get a good…